Because of its
sheer destructiveness, heroin addiction is relatively easy to identify. Very
few heroin addicts are able to maintain the appearance of a normal lifestyle
while using, and the physical effects of heroin are hard to disguise. What’s
more, after prolonged use, users typically abandon most efforts that would
conceal their addiction, as their priorities have shifted so completely toward
their addiction.
Signs of heroin
addiction vary based on the state of the user—whether he or she is intoxicated
(“high”) or, as is more often the case, in withdrawal. After repeated use,
generalized symptoms appear, including unsettling changes in personality and
physical appearance.
Heroin addiction
is painfully apparent in long-term users. The scars of their addiction are
visible in every aspect—social, spiritual, psychological and physical—of their
being. Families in crisis, careers destroyed, potential wasted: these are the
legacies of long-term heroin use.
Heroin users often drink alcohol, smoke and use other illicit drugs, frequently to counter the effects of withdrawal while they find their next fix. As a result, heroin users can display a range of symptoms that reflect their poly drug use.
If you are
finding that you fit into any of the categories above, then we can probably
provide you with some help. Above It All Treatment and Recovery
Center can design a program around you to stop the addiction and ease your
withdrawals. We can help you pick
yourself up and start treading down the long road to recovery. We are here for you. Contact us today.