Friday, May 31, 2013

The Talk – Drugs & Your Teen

When it comes to drugs and alcohol, the parent/child discussion is not one to be taken lightly. Rather, the “talk” should serve as an opportunity to create and support ongoing dialogue between both parties to ensure enhanced communication, trust and respect. In this entry, we will discuss some tips and tricks to utilize when confronting the topic.


1 – Clarity is key. Make certain that your child understands the importance of the discussion at hand, and that they, under no circumstance, are permitted to use drugs or alcohol. Avoid leaving any room for misinterpretation. Teenagers are crafty devils…

2 – Revisit the discussion regularly. Talk about the dangers associated with alcohol and drug abuse at the dinner table, during family outings, and whenever else the opportunity presents itself. Avoid forcing the topic, with an emphasis on casual conversation. Nobody likes to be bombarded with unwarranted lecture.

3 – Listen! Ask questions, and encourage the same. Paraphrase the ideas that your teen conveys to you, and follow up on topics that may pose more serious issues. The more available you make yourself, the more comfortable your child will be discussing these topics in an honest and proactive manner.

4 – Be honest! Many parents who have dabbled with drugs and alcohol in the past attempt to hide their indiscretions. In doing so, they risk diminished credibility in the eyes of their children if and when the truth comes out.

5 – Do NOT react to your child with anger or hostility. If your teen provides information that challenges or upsets you, it’s in your best interest to keep calm. Yelling or punishment will only serve to hinder further discussion. Use the opportunity instead to connect with your teen in a positive and supportive manner. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Consequences Of Long-Term Opiate Use

When used as prescribed, opiates can offer an array of benefits to those coping with extreme pain. It is when these substances are misused over a long period of time that the risk of serious repercussions becomes heightened.

Opiates Defined

Opiates are defined as painkillers, which release naturally-produced endorphin's from the brain. Once the endorphin's have flooded the body, a euphoric and calming effect takes over. Common opiates include substances ranging from heroin and morphine to prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, codeine and Vicodin.


The more frequent an individual uses liver-opiates, the higher the tolerance required to achieve the initial effect. Over time, addicts lose the ability to create natural endorphin's; becoming dependent on the substance to concoct these bodily chemicals.

Physical Effects

The prolonged use of opiates often results in conditions ranging from liver disease and heart infection to pulmonary issues such as pneumonia. Additional effects include constipation, diminished sex drive, and infertility. In IV users, collapsed veins is yet another potential condition.


Long-term opiate users will often fail to maintain basic hygiene standards, ultimately increasing the risk of disease, while alienating those they care for.

Death & Crime

In some cases, prolonged opiate use leads addicts down a road of crime in an effort to support their habit. Death, too, may occur due to opiate overdose or complications associated with the health issues outline above.

Need Help?

Considering substance abuse treatment? Pick up the phone and call Above It All treatment center! With a team of seasoned addiction specialists available to assess and address your individual needs, you can count on Above It All to have you on the fast track to recovery in no time. Call now!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Neurological Effects of a Heroin Overdose

Heroin overdoses are traumatic for both user and loved ones alike; the neurological effects of which can cause days, months or life-long damage. Neurological disabilities may require individuals to relearn information and skills from scratch, with some users requiring professional treatment for years on end.

Sedation or Sleepiness

A mild neurological effect of overdose, sedation is caused by  the substance reaching the bloodstream and hitting the brain. Sleepiness is generally temporary, wearing off within an hour or two. Once the drowsiness has worn down, additional symptoms may come into play.

Personality Changes and Confusion

Users experiencing an overdose are often confused; exhibiting garbled speech patterns, memory issues and signs of disorientation. Problems with communication or formulating thoughts are also apparent, alongside extreme mood swings and personality changes. While these effects will often diminish over a few hours time, memory issues have inhibit a user for months following the incident.


Hallucinations are another temporary effect of overdose. Most last for only hours.


A vegetative state, persistent in nature, may occur following heroin overdose. These comas may last for hours, days or even weeks at a time. In some cases, physicians may elect to place a patient in a medically induced coma when stimulation is to excess.

Brain Damage

Brain swelling, ruptured blood vessels, reduced blood supply or drug induced stroke during an overdose may result in brain damage… a potentially permanent side effect, causing long- or short-term memory loss, learning difficulties, attention problems and personality changes.


An overdose can cause our brains to short-circuit, creating a seizure-like experience. Though these seizures may only be experienced during the initial overdose period, prolonged seizure phases may require medicated assistance.

Need Help?

Need help combating an addiction to heroin or opiates? Out Above it all inpatient rehab facility to the place to call. Pick up the phone today, and let our team of addiction specialists help you back on track towards the happy, healthy and productive lifestyle you’ve been missing.