Cocaine addiction is a powerful
stimulant with extremely addictive strength that damages the brain directly.
Coke, blow, or snow just to name a few well known names for cocaine. Cocaine
can be snorted via the nose, smoke or injected. Above It All drug rehab center
is designed for individuals who need an environment separate from their home
life in which to focus on their recovery.
Cocaine effects a person within
minutes of using the drug and can last anywhere from minutes to a few hours. In
the beginning using cocaine can give an individual a feeling of excitement,
energy, alertness, and make the user become very talkative. Cocaine temporarily
diminishes the users need for sleep or food. An anxiety, restlessness,
irritability and paranoia are very common feelings for coming down of the drug
Here are some most common effects of
Confusion, Flow of energy, Increase in heart rate and blood pressure, Loss of appetite, Paranoia, Rapid speech, Runny nose, or Stuffy nose.
Confusion, Flow of energy, Increase in heart rate and blood pressure, Loss of appetite, Paranoia, Rapid speech, Runny nose, or Stuffy nose.
It is very common that user could
become cocaine addicted from the very first us of the drug. When cocaine
dependency developed, an individual may experience the following complications: Blurred vision, Chest pain, Hallucinations,
Heart attack, Heart disease, Seizures, or Stroke.
Cocaine treatment has two
components: detoxification and rehabilitation. The first step is to stop using
the drug. A medically-supervised detox program may consist of medications given
to help a patient to get through the need for cocaine period. Their doctor will
study and assess their own unique situation. He will review their mental and
physical history, along with their past days of cocaine abuse. He will put
forward a detox plan that will help them detox from their cocaine addiction
safely and painlessly until they are ready to begin their treatment program.
Second step in Cocaine Treatment is
recovery and rehabilitation in a drug rehab facility. A
person who has been using cocaine associates certain people, places and
feelings with drug use. They will need help to identify the kinds of things
that act as “triggers” that make them feel like they want to use the drug
again. Over time, they can learn how to deal with their triggers and substitute
other behaviors in the place of using cocaine. Both individual and group
therapy may be used at Above It
All Treatment Center for this type of addiction.
Call us today so that we can help
you to stop the Cocaine addiction. Our
controlled environment will allow you the best chance for a successful recovery
and our personalized treatment plan will start you down the road to recovery.
Finding the right drug rehab rehabilitation is one of the key parts! So many places offer help but so little actually work! I have learned this from experience with a friend. I truly believe in this place!