Friday, August 23, 2013

Symptoms & Signs of Drug & Alcohol Abuse

Symptoms and signs of drug and alcohol abuse are quite similar. In some cases, they may prove difficult to spot. More often than not, they are fairly obvious, yet can also be mistaken for mental illness. Though different substances may offer different symptoms, if you know what to look for, determining an issue is rarely any trouble.

Physical Signs

Alcohol and drugs affect both the body and mind. Common signs of alcohol and drug abuse are difficulty sleeping, delayed reaction time, slowed speech, dental issues, nosebleeds and persistent cough.

Signs & symptomms of substance abuse. Help those with drug and alcohol abuse.Emotional and Mental Signs

Alcohol and drug abuse also affects users in emotional and mental ways. Symptoms and signs include irritability, calmness, agitation, hallucinations, apathy, paranoia and erratic behavior.


Another symptom of drug or alcohol abuse is an escalating tolerance to the substance in question. When an individual abuses alcohol or drugs, they must use the substance more regularly and in higher amounts to achieve the desired effect. 


Withdrawal is yet another symptom associated with alcohol and drug abuse. When an individual abuses alcohol or drugs and is unable to acquire it, they may show signs of withdrawal, including excessive sleeping, sleeping difficulties, agitation, hallucinations, chills, aches and shakes.


Addicts often boast as to their ability to quit anytime they like. They may say that they have quit on their own in the past and could easily do so again if they so choose. It is important to remember that the most crucial key to recovery is sobriety maintenance. An addict who is currently using is obviously not addressing their problem properly.


Most addicts require professional help in order to quit using. Some need inpatient treatment, while others seek out local NA and AA meetings for support. Whether the individual in question is struggling with alcoholism or narcotics addiction, professional aid is often vital to the success and longevity of the recovery at hand.  


  1. This was a fantastic read! Thank you so much!

  2. It's good to know the true signs and symptoms of someone who's using drugs because sometimes you think you know and you may be way off track.

  3. Wow I am glad I read this! I will be sharing this with my friends and family!
